For Love Of All Things


Today indoor distractions through computers and electronic games limit wildlife experiences. An estimated 32% of children are overweight and inactive. Too few children today have the opportunity to freely participate in recreational activity close to home within open spaces, let alone explore woods and streams. Citizens today are more likely to view nature through the television screen rather experiencing it first-hand outdoors. Children and adults can engage in physical activity as a part of their daily lives simply by getting outside to experience the wonders of wildlife.


Wildlife Forever believes conservation education will ultimately determine the future of our wildlife heritage. The need for conservation education is a broadly held concern. Securing the future of wildlife depends upon recruiting a new generation of stewards. Wildlife Forever has a plan to spark the imagination of today’s children in the great outdoors. We owe it to our children and grandchildren to provide the tools of conservation education.

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FLOAT supports organizations that are affecting positive change in the world with a focus on environmental and animal based causes.