For Love Of All Things
$8 of every item purchased will be donated to Harvest Home Animal Sanctuary
Did you know that goat "meat" production is one of the fastest growing sectors of the American livestock industry? The mere thought more animals needlessly being killed right now is heartbreaking. At Harvest Home Animal Sanctuary, our hope is one day goats and all other farmed animals never have to see the inside of a slaughterhouse.
Through Harvest Home Animal Sanctuary's work of rescue and rehabilitation for animals, their sanctuary is making this dream a reality for more and more animals each year. To them, every life saved matters. Today, they are providing direct aid and sanctuary to animals who often overlooked in our society. For over a decade, Harvest Home Animal Sanctuary has saved the lives of thousands of animals from certain death. With your support, their lifesaving work will continue to expand. Together, we can conquer cruelty to animals and build a more compassionate world.