For Love Of All Things


Wild Coho Salmon once flourished in creeks along the central California Coast, but dams and development have reduced their runs by 95%.  In times of drought, the largest remaining wild coho salmon run, in western Marin County, faces new threats.  Low flows in the Lagunitas Watershed can prevent the fish from swimming up and over waterfalls to the streams where they spawn and regenerate the species.


In response to these threats, Turtle Island Restoration Network’s Salmon Protection and Watershed Network’s (SPAWN) program has developed ways to support the endangered Coho Salmon’s survival even in times of drought.  By raising native plants and restoring creekside habitat, encouraging rain-harvesting, rescuing baby salmon from drying pools in the summer and advocating for salmon-friendly policies, SPAWN is helping to ensure the long-term survival of this keystone species. 

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