For Love Of All Things
Marketing Tips
Effectively promoting your FLOAT campaign is critical to your success. Create a promotion schedule that you can follow through with from the day your campaign begins until it ends.
Take the time to consider which channels you can best reach your audience through. Which social media platforms get the most activity? Follow the action. Emails are one of the best ways to promote your campaign. We’ve seen sales double after an email is sent out.
Keep in mind which methods of reach will be most effective, plan your posting frequency and content through each channel with a focus on the start and finish…Facebook, Instagram, Emails, etc. Posts should be spread out over the length of the week and give the information supporters need to make sure they don’t miss out. Thoughtfully created posts spread throughout the campaign are better than a larger number of carelessly created posts…take the time to structure your posts with love and your supporters will return it to you! Important things you should always keep in mind:
- Use high quality, high resolution images of your shirts so when your supporters see them they know they can’t live without them! -
- Use simple and effective wording with necessary information…Dates, $8 from every shirt donated, This Week Only!
- Provide links to your campaign within your post.
- Provide a call to action and a link in the first comment like: This design is only available for one week! Get yours now at
Here’s an example of a 4 post, 2 email plan that works well for a one week campaign:
- Launch Day: Introduce the campaign and explain the products you are offering. Use your best photos that make the shirt look like a “must-have”.
- Day 3: As you promote your campaign, highlight a specific shirt style, color, or seasonal benefit of the products you chose.
- Day 6: Post an update on your campaign status, especially if you are trying to reach a sales goal that the buyer audience is interested in.
- 2 Days Left: Time is running out! Let people know how close you are to hitting the goal and remind them that time is almost up.
- Last Call: Make the most of the last day. Oftentimes this is the largest sales day for campaigns. Emphasise this is the last chance to get a shirt.
Hgh quality images and collages can be the difference between your supporters buying a shirt or not. Use the material FLOAT provides in combination with amazing and captivating photos to grab attention and entice people to get involved. Mix it up so you’re focusing on something new with a different product photo in each post.
Use concise and informative language to give your audience the information they need. Use phrases like ‘Limited edition’, ‘This week only’ , ‘$8 from every shirt donated to ____’, ‘Only 2 days left’, and calls to action like ‘Don’t miss out’ and ‘Get one today before their gone!’. Always make sure to include a high quality photo or collage of the shirt(s) and a direct link to the campaign.
Consider what your audience will respond best to and give them what they want. Use a captivating photo, an inspirational quote or even a funny (and tasteful) joke, comic or meme to appeal to your audience in different ways. Use a variety of different content so they stay engaged even though you’re still promoting the same shirt they’ve already seen in your previous post.
You know your supporters love you, now give them a chance to prove it! Ask them to Share, Repost and spread the word. Let them know that by sharing the campaign they’ll be helping you achieve your goals and you couldn’t do it without them! (it’s true, right?) One share to the right outlet, be it a celebrity, a business or a news outlet, can give your campaign a massive boost!
Ask your supporters to share photos of them wearing your shirts and showing them in action! This will generate additional buzz for what you’re doing, create a sense of community among your supporters and build excitement for your next FLOAT campaign.
Tips & Strategies for promoting your campaign:
- Pin it. Pin your post about the campaign to the top of your Facebook page for increased visibility.
- Boost it. Modern-day Facebook only shows your posts to a small percentage of your community. Boost your posts to get your campaign out to as many supporters as possible.
- Share it. Share the post on your personal page. Ask your community, friends and family to share it on their pages. Send a direct message to influential supporters and ask them to share it on their pages. Do you work with other organizations or businesses? Ask them to share it. The more people you can get your campaign in front of, the more money you’ll raise.
- Click it real good. Put the URL to your campaign in your Instagram profile so your supporters can link directly to your campaign page.
- Tell a Story. Use Instagram stories to reach more supporters and engage your community.
- Keep it Fresh. Instagram is all about photos and visual appeal. Use a variety of different high quality images of your shirt to engage your audience and keep the buzz going about your campaign.
- Emails are crucial. In the wake of profit hungry social media platforms limiting the ability to reach your supporters, emails have become increasingly important to the promotion of your campaign.
- Build it (well) and they will come. Structure your emails well. Use a catchy subject line, high quality images and a call to action to drive your supporters to your campaign.
- Time it. Plan on sending out at least 2 emails about your campaign. One to let your community know that the campaign has launched on day 1 or 2 and one to let them know that the campaign will be coming to an end in a couple days.
We wish you the very best with your FLOAT campaign and want you to know we’re here to help! Ask your campaign manager for whatever you need to promote your campaign and achieve success!